Welcome to the Crypto Jungle – Introducing the $METAL Coin


I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve launched the $METAL creator coin (aka social token) in partnership with Rally.io. I’ve always wanted to build a community around the things that I love most; music, marketing, photography, and creativity, and Rally and the $METAL coin have now made that possible. I’ll be following in the footsteps of friends and mentors such as Ann Handley and her $WORD coin, Mark Schaefer and his $RISE coin, Joe Pulizzi who launched the $TILT coin, and the legend that is Brian Clark with his $MOVE coin.

$METAL coin is a community-focused cryptocurrency where you can be a part of my exclusive digital rock n roll economy. By leveraging the Rally.io platform, you can support my creative endeavors and earn weekly rewards (yeah, real money!) This is all part of what’s currently called the creator economy, offering a fun and unique way for creators and fans with new ways to engage. You’ll also learn about Web 3 along the way, which is an essential new skill for marketers and creators looking to grow their careers and personal brands.

Why am I doing this? 

There are a few reasons, but the main one is that I’ve always wanted to have a platform that can help carve out a space for a small group of like-minded music-loving marketers and photographers. A tight-knit community where we can engage directly and have meaningful conversations without relying on the various social channels and whatever mood their algorithm is in at the moment. I’m not looking for this to be a numbers game but a relevant community built around my love of all things creativity and being inspired by others to be even more creative.

By offering the $METAL coin as my social token, this is the plan:

  • Build a community around creativity showcased through conversations around digital marketing, photography, and music
  • Launch exclusive NFTs gaining access to my archive of over 1 million live music and travel photos from around the world
  • Launch my new book: Second Skin which will be released exclusively to the Discord community one chapter at a time (Release date July 15, 2022)
  • Recognize my most engaged followers and friends through coin drops and exclusive Rock N Roll Cocktail and $METAL coin merchandise
  • Enable $METAL coin holders the opportunity to receive Rally Rewards each Sunday (Yes, I’ll be reinvesting my rewards back into the community as well so that we can all grow together)
  • And many other cool things as I’m just getting started!

Get $METAL, Get Rewards.

Rally makes it incredibly simple to buy creator coins with a credit card to support your favorite creators. Once you own some cash, you can send and exchange creator coins without fees within the Rally network.

Here’s how to get started, and it only takes a couple of minutes to throw your support to my coin and start earning rewards!

  1. Create an account on Rally.io here: https://rally.io/signup/. It will ask for your name, email, and username.
  2. Once you have signed up, send me a message with your username, and I’ll send you some $METAL coins for free to get you started and say thank you for your early support.

No previous crypto knowledge is needed to join in the fun and support. But if you have questions, feel free to reach out to me directly, but please check out the FAQ at Rally.io that can be found on this page.

To purchase $METAL coins with cryptocurrency, the process is a little more involved but is spelled out here.

This IS Crypto; This is Web 3

The $METAL coin is created on the Rally sidechain. This makes it possible to swap $METAL coins and Rally tokens ($RLY), the Rally Network’s default currency.

The Rally Network is an open, decentralized network with its own ERC-20 governance token, $RLY, which means it’s an Ethereum blockchain-based asset that can be sent and received in the Ethereum main network.

You can convert Rally tokens into $ETH, which can then be swapped into standard fiat currency (i.e., USD). There is no lock-in, though fees may be charged (just like foreign currency exchanges charge) for each conversion.



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Jason Miller
Jason Miller

Jason Miller is an award winning photographer and leading digitall marketer, who’s held senior roles at LinkedIn, Marketo, and ActiveCampaign. Before entering the B2B space, he spent ten years at Sony, developing and executing marketing campaigns around the biggest names in music. He is a prolific keynote speaker, digital marketing instructor at UC Berkeley, and best-selling author. Also an accomplished rock concert photographer, his work appears in books, magazines, and album covers.

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