Satan’s Top 11 Metal Halloween Hits: The Ultimate Evil Playlist


If Satan has an iPod, these are the tracks on heaviest rotation. Warning: Play these at your own risk – demons have been known to fly out of speakers blasting this unholy brew of sonic evil.

11. Fastway – “Trick or Treat” (Evil Factor: 3)

From that gloriously awful 80s horror movie where Skippy from Family Ties battles Sammi Curr, a devil-worshipping rock star. The movie might be terrible, but the soundtrack is pure Halloween metal gold. Sometimes the best evil comes in the cheesiest packages.

10. Iron Maiden – “The Number of the Beast” (Evil Factor: 9)

Like Michael Jackson with “Thriller,” Maiden wanted spoken horror-movie vocals for their intro. Unlike Jackson, they couldn’t afford Vincent Price, so they got some guy doing his best Price impression. Still evil as hell.

9. Metallica – “Last Caress/Green Hell” (Evil Factor: 9)

It only took a few choice lyrics for Metallica to offend every person on the planet. A masterclass in musical mayhem that’ll clear your Halloween party faster than actual demons.

8. Slayer – “Dead Skin Mask” (Evil Factor: 9)

Inspired by Ed Gein’s… unique approach to interior decoration. This track comes with a complimentary restraining order from your local cemetery.

7. Motley Crüe – “Shout at the Devil” (Evil Factor: 9)

This whole album terrorized an entire generation of suburban parents. Play it loud enough, and it still might summon the PTA to your door with torches and pitchforks.

6. King Diamond – “Halloween” (Evil Factor: 9)

Though not actually royalty, King Diamond rules the realm of face-painted metal with an iron fist. His loyal following of metalheads keeps the global face paint industry in business.

5. Misfits – “Halloween” (Evil Factor: 9)

Danzig and crew invented horror punk with this track. If you’re going to play one song while carving pumpkins, make it this one. Just don’t ask about the missing neighbourhood pets.

4. Black Sabbath – “Children of the Grave” (Evil Factor: 10)

The ultimate graveyard anthem. Ozzy and company created the perfect soundtrack for midnight cemetery visits. Your local groundskeeper probably has this on repeat.

3. Danzig – “Devils Plaything” (Evil Factor: 10)

Glen Danzig might actually be the devil reincarnated. This isn’t just speculation – have you ever seen Satan and Danzig in the same room? Exactly.

2. Marilyn Manson – “This Is Halloween” (Evil Factor: 10)

Forget what we said about Danzig – Manson is definitely the devil. His twisted take on The Nightmare Before Christmas makes the original sound like a lullaby. Your Christmas-loving relatives will never recover.

1. The Combined Evil: All Tracks Played Simultaneously (Evil Factor: 666)

WARNING: Playing all these tracks at once may open a portal to hell in your living room. Proceed with extreme caution. Not recommended for homes with load-bearing walls or nervous pets.

Safety Tips:

  • Keep holy water handy

  • Have your local exorcist on speed dial

  • Maybe warn the neighbors

  • Maintain a safe distance from speakers

  • Keep runtime under 666 minutes

  • If Skippy from Family Ties shows up at your door, you’ve gone too far

What did I miss? Add your favourites in the comments below. 

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Jason Miller
Jason Miller

Jason Miller is an award winning photographer and leading digitall marketer, who’s held senior roles at LinkedIn, Marketo, and ActiveCampaign. Before entering the B2B space, he spent ten years at Sony, developing and executing marketing campaigns around the biggest names in music. He is a prolific keynote speaker, digital marketing instructor at UC Berkeley, and best-selling author. Also an accomplished rock concert photographer, his work appears in books, magazines, and album covers.

1 thought on “Satan’s Top 11 Metal Halloween Hits: The Ultimate Evil Playlist”

  1. Great list, but you need to add Alice Cooper’s “Can’t Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me”! I posted it earlier on Facebook. It’s a great, fun song. I like it better than “Keepin’ Halloween Alive”. I’d also add Kiss “God of Thunder”. It always had a creepy vibe. Also, if you’re an Iced Earth fan at all, they have a whole album of monster songs. It’s been so long since I’ve listened to it, I honestly can’t tell you any standout tracks, but I remember listening to it quite a bit for a time.

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