The Ultimate Heavy Metal Halloween Playlist

Making a play list for your Halloween party can be quite the undertaking. I have painstakingly searched the depths of hell to find the most evil music possible without having to turn to the mutilated goat heads and pigs blood characteristics of Swedish Black Metal. If Satan has an Ipod, I can guarantee you that these songs are on it. But beware, play these songs at your own risk, as demons have been known to fly out of speakers blasting this witches brew of sonic evilness.

Motley Crue – Shout At The Devil” – This whole album scared the sh*t out of me when I was a kid. Evil Factor – 9


Slayer – “Dead Skin Mask” – Inspired by Ed Gein who allegedly exhumed corpses from local graveyards and fashioned trophies and keepsakes from their bones and skin. Evil Factor – 9

Rob Zombie – “Dragula” – The modern day Alice Cooper. Evil Factor -7

Gwar – “Slaughterama” – Raunchy, obscene, taboo, and Grammy nominated. Evil Factor – 4

Fastway – “Trick Or Treat” – Great soundtrack to an awful movie starring “Skippy” from Family Ties and a devil worshipping fictitious rock star named Sammi Curr. Evil Factor – 3

Megadeth – “Wake Up Dead” – The song is mostly instrumental, and is about singer Dave Mustaine fearing revenge from his girlfriend after he cheats on her. Frightening indeed. Evil Factor – 8

Pantera – “Cemetery Gates” – Texas groove metal goes good with apple cider or Jagermeister. Evil Factor – 6

Ozzy Osbourne – “Bark At The Moon” – Was it Ozzy’s idea to dress up in that ridiculous wolf man costume in the video? Probably. Evil Factor – 6


Danzig – “Devils Plaything” – Glen Danzig my be the devil re-incarnated. Evil Factor – 10

Misfits – “Halloween” – Danzig represents again in the band that created “Horror Punk”. Evil Factore – 8

Marilyn Manson – “This Is Halloween” – Forget what I said about Danzig; Marilyn Manson is the devil. A great interpretation from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Evil Factor – 10

Black Sabbath – “Children of the Grave” – The soundtrack to creepy graveyards across the world. Evil Factor – 10

Helloween – “Halloween” – German pioneering power metal band sings about their favorite holiday besides Oktoberfest. Evil Factor – 6

Iron Maiden – “The Number of the Beast” – Michael Jackson had Vincent Price do spoken-word spookiness on 1982’s “Thriller.” Iron Maiden couldn’t afford Price so they hired some guy to speak like Price for the intro to this evil gem. Evil Factor – 9

W.A.S.P. – “Chainsaw Charlie (Murders In The Rue Morgue)” – Blackie Lawless opus based on a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. Evil Factor – 8

Metallica – “Last Caress/ Green Hell” – It only took a few choice lyrics to offend every person on the planet with this song, clearly a high point for the band. Evil Factor – 9

King Diamond – “Halloween” – Although he is not really a king at all, he does have a loyal following of face-painting metal heads. Evil Factor – 8

King Diamond Photographed by Jason Miller-1-2

Judas Priest – “Painkiller” – The Painkiller is described as a metal messiah sent to the world to destroy evil and rescue mankind from destruction. And no I am not making this sh*t up. Evil Factor – 8

Alice Cooper – “Keepin’ Halloween Alive” – The king of all things Halloween delivers a new song for the holiday. Evil Factor – 7

Alice Cooper (1 of 20)

Have any to add yourself? Join the conversation in the comment section below.

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Jason Miller
Jason Miller

Jason Miller is a leading digital B2B marketer, who’s held senior roles at LinkedIn, Marketo, and ActiveCampaign. Before entering the B2B space, he spent ten years at Sony, developing and executing marketing campaigns around the biggest names in music. He is a prolific keynote speaker, digital marketing instructor at UC Berkeley, and best-selling author. Also an accomplished rock concert photographer, his work appears in books, magazines, and album covers.

1 thought on “The Ultimate Heavy Metal Halloween Playlist”

  1. Great list, but you need to add Alice Cooper’s “Can’t Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me”! I posted it earlier on Facebook. It’s a great, fun song. I like it better than “Keepin’ Halloween Alive”. I’d also add Kiss “God of Thunder”. It always had a creepy vibe. Also, if you’re an Iced Earth fan at all, they have a whole album of monster songs. It’s been so long since I’ve listened to it, I honestly can’t tell you any standout tracks, but I remember listening to it quite a bit for a time.

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