17 Epic Photos of Faster Pussycat on the Monsters of Rock Cruise

Photographed by Jason Miller_-3

As I prepare to embark on my 5th Monsters of Rock Cruise, I’ve been archiving thousands of photos from the previous years. The first time I went was back in 2012 and to be honest, I wasn’t a very good photographer as I was still learning the fundamentals of what is one of the most challenging disciplines of photography; live music. After a tremendous amount of studying, understanding how to control every aspect of the camera shooting hundreds of bands since then, I’ve refined not only my skills but also my style. One of my favorite bands to shoot both on and off the stage is Faster Pussycat. These guys epitomize the unpredictable nature of rock n roll and continue to evolve and cut through the bullshit clichè that was hair metal. They are

One of my favorite bands to shoot both on and off the stage is Faster Pussycat. These guys epitomize the unpredictable nature of rock n roll and continue to evolve. They cut through the bullshit clichè that was hair metal and they put on one of the best live shows I’ve ever seen. With that being said, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite photos, from one of my favorite bands over four years on the Monsters of Rock Cruise. (Sadly I missed 2013). 

Here are 15 shots that I think tell the story of not only the evolution of my photography skills but also showcase one band that has become a staple on the cruise every year. In addition, I’ve included a gallery from the photo experience with the band on the 2016 cruise. If you get your photo with one band on the boat this year, make it this one.

2016 – Shredders from the Deep



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2015 – Poseidon’s Revenge

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Photographed by Jason Miller-1-2 Photographed by Jason Miller-1-3

2014 – Escape From Monster Island

Faster Pussycat Monsters of Rock (4 of 6)

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2012 – Monsters of Rock 

Faster Pussycat-1


Photographed by Jason Miller_-2 Photographed by Jason Miller_

Not only are these guys one of the best live shows on the cruise, they are also incredibly cool to hang out with. They’ve become notorious for recreating the legendary Cat Club on board as well as playing an EPIC late night show on the main stage where anything can happen. I can only hope that both of these events happen again this year.

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Jason Miller
Jason Miller

Jason Miller is an award winning photographer and leading digitall marketer, who’s held senior roles at LinkedIn, Marketo, and ActiveCampaign. Before entering the B2B space, he spent ten years at Sony, developing and executing marketing campaigns around the biggest names in music. He is a prolific keynote speaker, digital marketing instructor at UC Berkeley, and best-selling author. Also an accomplished rock concert photographer, his work appears in books, magazines, and album covers.

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